Advanced SEO Tips for Bloggers 


It’s no surprise that a strong online presence is the key to success for small business owners nowadays. Thankfully, all you have to do is follow these three SEO tips for bloggers, and you’ll be one step closer to reaching your full digital potential.

If you’re an experience blog writer, you’ve probably already done your keyword research, decided on a writing topic, and devised a plan of action. Now, it’s time to get a little more technical. 

Whether you’re writing for yourself or for a client, blogging is the most successful when you effectively reach a large audience. Understanding and applying these SEO tips will help you broaden your blog readership and bump up those page views!

RELATED LINK: Debunking the Myths of Being a Blogger

#3 Check Your Website Usability

It’s 2020 and people expect to get things quickly-- especially if they’re online. Checking your website usability will ensure that your readers are getting fast and easy access to your content. 

So, let’s give them what they want! 

Keeping up with the status of your website page speed will help you understand the reader’s experience each time they visit your blog. Google PageSpeed Insights is an easy way to get an idea of your website performance. 

Servers like Squarespace often include programming that helps to reduce website load times, but it’s always a good idea to be proactive in maintaining your website’s speediness. 

Wondering how your audience views your website? Google Analytics shows you if your readers are using mobile phones, tablets, or desktops to access your website. This information will show you what device usability you should prioritize in the design of your website. 

If the majority of your audience uses mobile (and they probably are), then your website must be mobile-friendly in order for Google to recommend it. 

Reduced image sizes and thoughtful web design will help make your website mobile-friendly. Google PageSpeed Insights can pinpoint where changes should be made to better optimize your website for mobile visitors.

#2 Add Your Blogs to Google Search Console

The sooner your blog is on Google, the sooner you’ll have eyes on it, right? 

Google Search Console helps to speed up this process by indexing your website. Entering the link of your blog into Google Search Console sends Google’s “spiders” to crawl your website. 

If you’ve got the heebie jeebies, don’t worry – these metaphorical spiders are your friends! Once your website has been effectively crawled, Google will begin to recommend it, thus increasing traffic to your blog. 

Make sure you do this every time you post a new blog. The process “inspects” your blog’s URL and delivers information on how well it’s performing. 

And, most importantly, if Google is recommending it. 

This should be one of the biggest takeaways you get from my SEO tips for bloggers. So take notes! Google Search Console can also tell you which of your blogs is performing best. This can help you better understand your audience and how to keep writing attractive content.  

RELATED LINK: 5 Steps For A Successful Influencer Blog

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#1 SEO Tip for Bloggers- Press

Business owners and traditional bloggers will work together to give each other recognition. Know in the blogging world as backlinks.

For example, let’s say I wanted to tell you all about my favorite PR company: TELL Public Relations. If you click on that highlighted text, it will take you to their website. That’s a backlink. By adding it hear, I’m helping TELL boost their Google authority because it helps show Google that they’re a trusted resource.

Backlinks to other business websites and bloggers are a great way to boost your SEO and website authority. But if the traffic is only 200 visitors per month, it really it might night do you much good in terms of SEO. Rather than relying on this method, try to build relationships with journalists who report on topics related to your blog’s focus. 

Connecting with the press is at the top of my SEO tips for bloggers.

Why? Because establishing relationships with other content creating professionals can bring in not only more viewers, but also, more potential clients. If you’re able to land a backlink from Forbes to your business coaching website, you’ll likely see a few client inquiries in your inbox. 

Social media platforms like Twitter are an accessible resource for connecting with journalists. HARO is another online resource designed to help bloggers, journalists, and influencers build co-working relationships to grow their respective audiences. If all else fails, sending cold pitch emails to journalists, podcast hosts, and other bloggers may also help you jumpstart a fruitful professional relationship. 

RELATED LINK: Why Professionals Need to Create a Blog 


Now that you’ve added these three SEO tips for bloggers to your toolkit, you’re that much closer achieving your SEO goals! 

Keep it up, and you and your clients are sure to see an increase in page views. And you know what that means: happy clients = more business! 

So what are you waiting for? Create the online presence your clients want, and get the SEO gratification you deserve! 

Ready to make blogging your full-time job? Follow @yourcreativecontent on Instagram for more SEO tips for bloggers!


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