How to Create Consistent Content with a Job

Create Consistent Content with a Job

Creating consistent content alongside a regular job is hard work. Many of us get burnt out quick, especially if our blogs or social media platforms aren't giving us an ROI. The question I see most bloggers or professionals ask when considering their blog is how the heck they can stay consistent with a 9-5.

Every entrepreneur starts off with a regular 9-5. And if you're a lawyer or a real estate agent, your day-to-day never goes away. So unless you were extremely lucky in college, chances are you've started your blog while working a day (or night) job. Every great blogger treats their side hustle like a second job, which means pulling double duty. Every. Day. 

It's a tricky feat to accomplish, but once you get the ball rolling, creating content on the side will come second nature. Here are my personal tips for creating consistent content with a job. 

Step 1: Make A Content Calendar

If you don't plan ahead, you're going to slip on your content's consistency. Plain and simple. Let's say that, ideally, you want to post every Wednesday at 4 p.m. Then out of nowhere, it's Wednesday at noon and you don't even know what photo or blog you're going to publish. That's when you start stressing, hustling, and pushing back important work just to make sure something appears online. 

The best thing to do to negate this ritual is to create a content calendar. This will keep you in check and let you plan ahead without feeling rushed. A calendar will also make sure that all of your content is cross-promoting to your different platforms (i.e. your IG post mentions your new website blog). 

RELATED: Get a FREE Content Calendar Template

Step 2: Set Goals

Some people start blogging or social media-ing without a clear goal in mind. It's important to ask yourself what consistent content will help you achieve. Are you looking for new leads, more customers, or chances to collaborate? If so, how often do you need to post in order to make those goals a reality?

Ask yourself the following questions at the start of your monthly content calendar. Knowing where your headed will act as motivation to create consistent content, even with a steady job.

- How many photos do you want to publish this month?

- How many blogs do you want to write?

- How many leads/customers/followers do you want this month?

- When do you have time to write or take photos?

RELATED: 5 Steps For A Successful Influencer Blog

Step 3: Bulk Create... And Make It A Habit

Creating content in bulk is the best way to set yourself up for success. If you want to publish four Instagram photos per week, try to schedule at least two photoshoots a month so that you have plenty of backlog to share. Again, this takes a bit of preplanning and goal-setting; but if you have your weekends free, there's no reason why you can't make this a routine.

Likewise, if you want to publish one blog a week, take one weekend out of the month to bulk-write four articles. It might take you all day, but that's the thing: it's just one day out of your entire month. And boom— you have consistent content. 

Click the image to get your writing prompts!

Click the image to get your writing prompts!

Step 4: Set Up Automation

Once you have a month's supply of content at your disposal (easier said than done, I know), you're ready for automation. There are plenty of social media scheduler apps that make scheduling Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest content quick and painless. Later, Hootsuite and Facebook's new Creator Studio are some of my personal favorites.

I'm going to jump out on a limb here and say that if you're not automating your content, you're going to fall behind. This goes back to the whole reality of "life gets in the way." And while your audience will probably be more than understanding, automation will take you just a few hours out of your weekend. If you're willing to hustle, taking the time to set up automation will pay off. 

RELATED: How I Became a Freelance Writer

Step 5: Outsource For Guaranteed Consistent Content

So maybe you've taken a moment out of your day to make that content calendar. You know what your goals are for this side hustle, and you even have a decent amount of content to get you started. The problem is, you can't always make time to bulk create.  One month you may have had plenty of time to shoot a few videos, write your weekly blogs, and have a photoshoot, and the next month you don't. And just in a manner of months, your back to posting, well... whenever you can.

This is when outsourcing becomes an option. Right now, Your Creative Content offers weekly blogs, simply because I know how insanely busy life gets. Content creation is a must in any industry and falling behind is not an option.

You shouldn't feel ashamed if you have to outsource some of your creative content. In fact, it's quite the contrary. Outsourcing your content usually means that you're so busy chasing your dreams that you're willing to hire someone to help you out. And if you're at that point— that's pretty badass.  

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